A life in a day

Katarzyna Sieradzka (Kasia) is a single mother to her 13 year old son, Jakub. She moved to the UK from Poland 14 years ago. She is self employed and works 3 domestic jobs a day. She manages her home on her own, ensuring that Jakub, who is autistic, is safe and well. She works with energy in other women's homes, so that those women can work in jobs that are measured in growth figures and policies.

Domestic labour is mostly left out of the debate on gender equality, with women's empowerment measured instead by influence at the workplace. Housework and childcare is outsourced to less advantaged women for a low wage, often without workplace protections or benefits, with the result that this work is underpaid and undervalued.

Can we consider this a success for women at large? What is "essential work" is and what skills are critical? How we value the work of maintaining a home and caring for children better?